The Edge Special Situation Report (ESS) identifies and analyzes Global Equity Event-Driven Special Situations for investors looking to benefit from market inefficiencies. The Special Situations covered include, among others: activism, turnaround, and deep value with catalyst, insider dealings, mergers, management change, Reverse Morris Trusts and restructurings.

Fundamentally Catalyst Driven Equity Investments

Multiple Global Presented Investments Investment ideas presented will not only match your investment criteria, they will be sourced from around the developed World to give you global coverage ensuring you and your team will never run out of ideas.


Diverse Under Covered Events Analyzed Long & short ideas analyzed with no or little coverage and from the investment angle covering multiple situations. This will enable you to jettison your Wall Street blanket research costs and start adding real actionable value.

Unique In-House Projections & Analysis How can you trust the research given to you? Most research use numbers from the usual sources, which are inherently incorrect. The Edge has a dedicated analyst team who qualifies, check and make their own projections. It produces hidden value you won’t find anywhere in your day-to-day screening.